Tuesday 12 December 2023

Why did the poet cross the road?


Why did the poet cross the road?

The question asked.

No answer told, not written in bold.

just a lengthy look inside the mind,

as it slowly unfolds.

Unwinding trying to get

two pieces to tie,

to make a little sense of

where the road came from

and why.


Why did the poet cross the road?

To ascertain for certain

that the road really exists

and isn't just a metaphor

for the way life twists.

To see if they can persuade it to

become a river instead,

waterways always

open up thought streams

in the poet’s head.


Why did the poet entertain

that the road needed crossing?

Was it a way

to share a tale of pain?

Or to show love

in a different

more flowery frame.

Was it to show the end is

but the beginning as it

cycles around again.

Or was it to reach a place

where he could look back upon

where his journey had begun,

from a different perspective,

like looking down upon it 

from space.




Thanks for reading, 

and thank you @realisticPoetryInternational  

for the prompt.

Please follow the link for my books, 
videos and social media.
Every click, every book purchase, 
every like helps me to keep doing what I love.
Peace, Love & Poetry 


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